Friday 26 July 2024

 Morning all.  Over at The Alphabet Challenge this morning we have a lovely new 'colour' challenge.  Here is the colour palette we would like you to use:

I've not really been in the mood to colour just lately, so I went through my stack of papers instead.  I created a slimline card and kept it very clean and simple.

I'm really pleased with this one.  It just came together so quickly and easily.

Please pop over and join in the fun.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Thursday 25 July 2024

Oh Baby Baby

 Hello all.  Over at Cardz4galz today we have the new challenge theme of 'for a baby'. I was well prepared for this one as I'd had a sticker sheet with baby items on it and managed to do several cards at once.  Here's the one I made for today's challenge.

As it's Cardz 4 Galz I hit the pink patterned paper and just added the sticker elements.  

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Photo Opportunity

 Morning all.  Over at Cardz4guyz  we have a really fun guy theme.  We would like metal on your projects please.  This could be metallic card, metal charms, brads, eyelets etc.  

For this card I did chose to case a card from Pinterest.  Here's my card and the inspiration is below.

I'd got some of the colour block pattern left over from another project and it seemed like a good opportunity to use it up. The metal circles are eyelets that I've had for ages.  I'm a bit disappointed in the birthday sentiment but I'm pleased with the card other than that.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Monday 15 July 2024

Sparkle for the boys

 And for my second instalment of the day we are looking for 'one for the boys' at Sparkles Monthly.  I suppose my card could be for a wine loving girl but to me the die I used is perfect for my Father-in-law.

I saw the paper piecing idea on Pinterest and added it to a fun fold card. I'm really pleased with how it turned out.  The one I did for my Father-in-Law was just on a normal fold but I wish I'd done this one for him.  

Please pop over and join in the fun.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Celebrating Aleks' Birthday

 Morning all.  I don't always blog family birthday cards but I'm having my craft area re-vamped and I needed a card for today's Make My Monday Challenge.  As it happens today's theme is 'Let's Celebrate' and I already was.  Aleks is my great niece and it was her birthday yesterday.  

It was one of those cards that I had in my head but was a swine to translate.  The balloons were fine - apart from only one of my several alphabet dies seems to have the K.  The backing just didn't seem right to me.  This is the third attempt and I like it much better than the other two attempts.

Let's see your celebration cards please.

Thanks for reading. 

Love Dawn x

Saturday 13 July 2024

Flippin Awesome

 Morning all. Are you ready for a new letter?  We are up to 'H for Holidays' over at The Alphabet Challenge.  That could mean summer holidays or Christmas holidays if you wish to do Christmas in July.  As a practising Christian I don't refer to Christmas as 'Holidays' so I've gone with summer for my card, and what says summer to me is 'flip flops'.

I have to admit that flip flops aren't very practical for boat life so we tend to live in Crocs.  I have Croc boots for winter, normal Crocs for taking Ava a walk and Croc sliders for everyday wear.  I wonder if there is such a thing as a Croc flip flop.  I need to go and check.

Please pop over and join in the challenge.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Thursday 11 July 2024

Feeling Blue

 Morning all.  Over at Cardz4galz today we would like 'shades of blue on your projects please.  Unfortunately, I needed a sympathy card for a work friend who had recently lost her mum.  Here's what I created for her.

I did ink up my shades of blue cardstock but it's not very clear on the photo.  I do love this verse and it makes perfect sense to me.  I often find myself thinking of my dad when I am walking around the marina.  He was never here as we moved after he died but I feel that he would have loved walking around here with me, especially when the birds are singing.

Please pop over and join in the new challenge.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x