Monday 17 June 2024

The Great Outdoors

 Morning.  How's the weather with you?  Is is summery where you are?  We've got a mixed bag of sunshine and showers.  It will be sunny tomorrow as I am back to work after two weeks off.  Over at Make My Monday today we are looking for some 'outdoor summer fun' on your projects please.  Our recent outdoor summer fun was cruising in our narrowboat up the local canal.  My project, however, shows a different summer scene.

I used a number of summery dies to create my scene.  I could do with a beach holiday to get over the hard work of doing the locks on the canal.

Please pop over and join in the fun.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Sunday 16 June 2024

An Oldie but a Goodie

 Hello all.  I totally messed up the dates for the Sparkles Monthly Challenge.  This should have been yesterday's blog post.  Oh well, better late than never.  This month we are looking for 'something funny and/or a pun'.  Go on, I could do with a laugh.  I've just bought a couple of sets of fun images from Artistic Revolution on Etsy.  These images are fabulous and so funny.

I paired the images with some silly sentiments I'd already got printed out and they turned out to be such fun.  I did another one for O/H's dad for Father's day but forgot to take a picture.  It's a good job he's got a sense of humour.

Please pop over and enter the challenge.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Friday 14 June 2024

Feeling Fruity

 Morning all. Over at The Alphabet Challenge we are looking for 'F for Fruit' on your projects.  Perfect.  I'd just ordered a new die, as you do, and this was just the right time to use it.

The lemon paper was a bonus find.  I didn't even realise I had it.  I was looking for the green and white check and the lemons were in the same pad.  

Please pop over and share your projects.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Thursday 13 June 2024

Summer fun

 Morning all.  I've been away for a short while enjoying my bit of summer fun.  We've been cruising in our narrowboat up the local canal.  Unfortunately, that means no internet so I'm a bit behind.  Over at Cardz4galz we want to see your 'Summer Fun' projects.  I've gone with summery flip flops for my card - although Crocs are the footwear of choice on the marina.  They are comfy and easy to wear and I'd probably trip over in flip flops.

For some reason the red colours all look a little bit orange on my photo.  I took several but they were all the same.

Please pop over and join in the fun.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Monday 3 June 2024

Bird is the word

 Morning all.  Are you ready for a new challenge.  Over at Make My Monday we are looking for 'something beginning with B' on your projects.  Living here on the marina we have an abundance of bird life so I figured I would take them as inspiration.  From the swans, coots and ducks to the woodpecker that eats the fat balls on our bird feeder we are truly blessed by the wonderful variation of wildlife here.

I love how this one turned out.  We don't have any purple birds as yet but I will keep an eye out.

Please pop over and join in the fun.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

Saturday 1 June 2024

This is what happens when you change your mind mid make

Morning all.  This month I have chosen 'Dies' as my topic for Sparkles Christmas Challenge.  I had a die in mind that I've never had much luck with.  It's a large die and my idea was to piece bits of it with green and white whilst keeping the frame red. I was cutting the white glitter card when I dropped it onto a piece of black.  Ooh, thinks I.  'That's classy'.  So today you get two for the price of one.

Now they are done I'm not sure which I like best.  What do you think.

Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x