Morning all. We have a new challenge for you today over at Cardz4guyz. We would like to see 'Gingham, Checks or Plaid' on your project. I had a dig through my scrap box and this is what I came up with.

Now, anyone who reads my blog will know that I'm no gardener - but my Grandad was. When we were growing up we lived on the same street as my Mamma and Grandad and also my Aunty Carol, Uncle Dave and two cousins, Paul and Mark. Our houses all backed onto the local allotments and Grandad had one. To be fair, it's a good job he did as it kept most of us fed all week - especially on a Sunday. Me, my two sisters and my cousins would be despatched to fetch the veg for Sunday lunch. The place was just packed with home grown fruit and veg. Gusgogs (gooseberries) and blackcurrants when you first went in. A patch of strawberries covered in Mamma's old net curtains to keep the birds off. Several apple and pear trees. Blackberries trailed over a frame and a patch of rhubarb (but we had to take that home to prepare as it needed a twist of sugar in a paper bag). Our favourite wasn't a fruit at all. It was a framework of peas. We would eat them straight from the pod. In all honesty, we probably ate just as much produce as we took home to cook - accept the peas. We got so greedy with them that we were banned from picking any more pea pods. The following week grandad went to harvest the peas and, guess what he found? A frame full of empty pods still on the plant. We were all lined up for questioning but Mark couldn't keep his face straight. He'd eaten the lot. I wish I'd thought of it, lol.
This card reminded me of how lucky we were to have all that fresh fruit and veg. We never went hungry and we ate everything in it's season. The smell of home grown tomatoes takes me straight back to the allotment, watching dad and grandad and our Paul working together. You don't realise until you are older what would be important to you. Veg just doesn't taste the same from the shop.
OK, before I start sobbing, please pop over and join in the challenge.
Thanks for reading.
Love Dawn x