Tuesday 14 May 2024

The Guyz are all stars (and/or stripes)

 Morning all.  Over at Cardz4guyz today we have my choice for the challenge.  I chose 'stars and/or stripes'.  I figured that this would be a really suitable challenge for the Guyz in our lives.  Here's my card:

I love green, blue and brown as a colour combo for fellas.  I'm still toying with the idea of sticking some shimmer pen on some of the stars. The cover plate I used is too short for a 5x7 card so I split it and covered the gap with the stars.  

Please join in the fun so I have something to comment on.  Thanks for reading.

Love Dawn x

1 comment:

  1. I agree "stars & stripes" was a great theme for a guy card!! I love you collage of stars in multiple sizes...very eye catching!! Your card is sure to inspire those who decide to play along with our new "stars & stripes" challenge over at Cardz 4 Guyz!!
    #C4G347 // Stars & Stripes
