Morning all. We have a new letter for you over at The Alphabet Challenge today. B is for Boy. We'd like to see you Boy projects please. I struggled a bit for this one as nothing came straight to mind. I went through all the digistamps I'd got printed out (I'm determined to get rid of some of my stash during this lock down) and still didn't feel it. I started to colour a cute car image and totally messed that up so it went in the bin and I changed tack. I have a love/hate relationship with my Cricut Explore. It sits on my desk and stares at me and I get the courage up to use it and something usually goes wrong. I am a nightmare at sizing the designs. I can't get the hang of choosing the right material or my blade will need changing or the card slips on the mat. The list of possible disasters goes on. I'm not sure why I decided that today would be a good day to cut a project. Anyway, I found a background that I'd used before and I knew it would be perfect for a Tiddlyinks image that I'd got on my desk - it doesn't appear to be available any longer but she has some fun stuff in her etsy shop.

As usual I messed up the sizing so I stuck it to a card front and added a sliver of red and some more blue at the bottom to cover everything up. I'd like to say I designed it that way 'cause I really like how it turned out. I'd be lying though. It's a complete fluke that it works.
OK, I obviously need more inspiration for the Boys in my life. Let's see what you've got.
Thanks for reading and please stay safe.
Love Dawn x